Copyright Policy

I hereby release the following works into the public domain (the “Release”), published before, on, or after the date hereof (February 11, 2022):

All of the articles on all of my wordpress blogs, including but not limited to Information Overload, and Principia Principalis;

All of the articles on my ResearchGate and my SSRN homepages;

Sketches of the Inchoate;


(A) (Together, the “Written Works”);


All of my music, that is published anywhere, in any form, including but not limited to those recordings on SoundCloud;

(B) (collectively, the “Music”).

To be clear, the Release does not apply to any underlying algorithms or other software related to the Written Works, or described in the Written Works, and instead relates to only the text of the Written Works themselves, which can be reproduced, printed, excerpted, and modified, in each case without any restrictions, provided any modifications are reasonably identified as modifications to the original.

I reserve all rights in the underlying algorithms, and the algorithms may not be used for commercial purposes without my express prior written consent.

The Music may not be used for commercial purposes without my express prior written consent, but is otherwise released into the public domain, for unrestricted reproduction, performance, modification, and rearrangement, provided any rearrangement is reasonably identified as a rearrangement of the original.

Provided further, that the Release in all cases requires that my name (Charles Davi) be accredited and visible in some reasonable manner as the author of the related Article or Music.

The Release and related statements written above (the “New Copyright Policy”), hereby render void any and all other statements, writings, or verbal agreements, related to my intellectual property in the Written Works and the Music, whether published anywhere, or otherwise articulated, prior to the date hereof (February 11, 2022).

I am the sole owner of all intellectual property in the Written Works and the Music, and no other person or party has any authority at all, or property at all, under any circumstances, including in the event of my death or incapacity, with respect to the Written Works or the Music.

The New Copyright Policy may not be amended in any circumstances, other than by yet another policy written and published publicly by me, and no other person or party has any right to amend or supplement the New Copyright Policy, including in the event of my death or incapacity.

Therefore, as the sole owner of the intellectual property in the Written Works and the Music, I hereby release the Written Works and the Music into the public domain, subject to the limitations described above.

In the event that the New Copyright Policy described above is found to be inconsistent with U.S. law, by a court of competent jurisdiction, or such court would otherwise cause the Written Works or the Music to be removed from publication, censored, or pass in property to some party other than myself, including my estate, or other entity, in any case, including but not limited to the event of my death, incapacity, incarceration, or other commitment to an institution, anywhere in the world (each, a “Trigger Event”), then the Written Works and the Music are to be released into the public domain without any restrictions or other limiting terms at all, with all rights and terms necessary to allow for the Written Works and the Music to be released into the public domain, immediately, without any action on my part.

For the avoidance of doubt, the New Copyright Policy applies, as of the date hereof, unless a Trigger Event occurs, in which case the Written Works and the Music are released into the public domain without any limitations, subject only to those terms required by applicable U.S. law to effectuate a release into the public domain.

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